Lijie Fan*, Tianhong Li*, Rongyao Fang*, Rumen Hristov, Yuan Yuan, Dina Katabi
CVPR 2020 Project Page/ PDF / Arxiv
Curriculum Vitae
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
I am presently pursuing my Ph.D. at the Multimedia Laboratory (MMLab) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), under the guidance of Professor Hongsheng Li. I anticipate completing my doctorate in 2025.
Prior to this, I earned my Bachelor of Engineering degree from
Department of Electronic Engineering
@ Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I specialized in Information Engineering and graduated top of my class (ranked 1st/157).
I was a visiting scholar in MIT CSAIL, under the supervision of Prof. Dina Katabi,
working with Tianhong Li and Lijie Fan. I worked on a project about 3D computer vision and wireless sensing.
Previously, I worked as a research assistant in SJTU Vision and Learning Lab advised by Prof. Bingbing Ni.
My research is driven by a passion for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) with a focus on visual perception and generation. I am dedicated to developing integrated systems capable of perceiving, understanding, and generating visual content by leveraging advanced techniques in computer vision.
(*: equal contribution)